
Budget and Business Plan

The Village’s Budget and Business Plan acts as the financial foundation to build and maintain infrastructure and deliver services available to the community.

Every year the Village develops and adopts a Budget and Business Plan to guide activities and expenditures, as well as establish the amount of revenue required from taxation. This key document is developed to ensure activities are aligned with strategic priorities. Roads, bridges, facilities, winter control, fire protection, recreation and a variety of other services are all funded based on the adoption of the Budget.

Financial Reporting

The Village’s Financial Statements include all assets, liabilities, equity, revenues and expenditures that are under its care and control. Financial Statements are audited yearly by a professional accounting firm to ensure that they provide an accurate presentation of the Corporation's financial position.

Financial reporting is completed to help with decision making and increase public accountability and transparency.


2022 Arena Financial Statements

2022 Consolidated Financial Statements

2022 Trust Fund Financial Statements

Ontario Regulation 284/09

By-law 15-2024 Taxation Rates

Village of Burk's Falls Donation Policy

Donation Policy Donation Request Application

2024 Budget Highlights 

Should you have any questions regarding the 2023 budget highlights, please contact the Municipal Treasurer, Tammy Wylie.     

Budget Presentation

Strategic Asset Management Policy

The Corporation of the Village of Burk’s Falls is committed to providing service to residents in a fiscally responsible manner that supports a healthy and vibrant community. With this commitment in mind, assets must be managed in a way that allows the Village to achieve its goals, plans and policies. Asset Management can be described as an integrated business approach within an organization that aims to minimize the lifecycle costs of owning, operating and maintaining assets at an acceptable level of risk, while delivering continuous established levels of service for present and future stakeholders. Infrastructure can be prioritized over time, ensuring Village assets are maintained while minimizing repair and rehabilitation costs.

To learn more about the Villages Strategic Asset Management Policy please refer to the downloadable document below. 

Strategic Asset Management Policy

Village of Burk's Falls Tax Billing & Collection Policy

 Village of Burk's Falls Property Tax Billing & Collection Policy

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