The Village of Burk's Falls offers curbside collection of household waste and recyclables to all residents, with service provided by Emterra starting January 1st, 2025. Curbside collection occurs every Thursday, and all waste and recyclables must be placed at the curb by 8:00 a.m. for pickup.
Please note that the waste collection operates on an alternating blue bin pickup schedule. To stay informed, refer to the Curbside Collection Calendar for specific collection dates.
Updates to the program have been implemented in recent years. For more details on changes to the program for 2025, please consult the "2025 Garbage Program" and "2025 Recycling Program" updates.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping the Village clean and sustainable!
Residents of the Village of Burk's Falls are reminded that
Landfill Access Passes are required for disposal at the landfill and are available only to Village residents. Tipping fees must be paid onsite, and payment is accepted by
debit only (cash and credit cards are not accepted). If you are bringing household garbage to the landfill, you do not need to use curbside collection tags, as the tipping fee will be charged directly at the landfill. Please note that
curbside garbage tags are not redeemable at the landfill. To obtain a Landfill Access Pass, residents should visit the
Village of Burk's Falls Municipal Office. Be sure to have a current pass when making landfill deposits.
The Village of Burk’s Falls mails out curbside pickup tags to residents for the upcoming year, typically in December. Residential properties receive a total of 50 tags for the calendar year.
In the event residents require more tags, additional tags can be purchased at the Village office for $3.00 per tag as of January 1, 2022. Additionally, as of January 1, 2022 tags are also available for purchase online. It is strongly recommended that residents manage their waste accordingly and utilize all waste diversion programs offered within the Village of Burk’s Falls.
Curbside collection is facilitated by Emterra. If your waste or recycling was not picked up please contact Emterra directly to inquire- 1.888.597.1541 . When placing the call, Emterra will contact the driver who records the reasons as to why the collection was refused.
In 2016 the Village of Burk’s Falls moved towards a clear bag program in order to reduce unnecessary waste and promote recycling to increase community environmental sustainability. All curbside household waste is to be placed in a clear, translucent bag with a Village of Burk’s Falls pick up tag secured to the bag. A translucent bag allows waste management staff at curbside to determine if there is more than 10% recyclable materials contained or if there are any hazardous material within the bag.
In the interest of privacy, each clear bag is permitted to include two privacy bags. Privacy bags are to be no larger than an average grocery store bag. Privacy bags allow residents to dispose of items that are considered to be sensitive or private, such as sanitary products, personal hygiene items and diapers.
Non-compliant bags, will be left at curb with a warning tag indicating the reason as to why the bag was not picked up. It is up to the resident to rectify the issues and place the bag at curbside for the next regularly scheduled pickup. If you are unsure as to why your waste or recycling was not picked up, please contact Emterra directly to inquire-1.888.597.1541 .
Residents who would like to use the Armour, Ryerson and Burk’s Falls TRI R Landfill site, located at 141 Chetwynd Road, are required to adhere to the regulations outlined in the By-law set by the administrating municipality (Township of Armour). This site is monitored by video surveillance, thus any person depositing prohibited material will be prosecuted.
Residents of the Village of Burk’s Falls will incur $3.00 per bag of household waste brought to the Landfill.
The landfill provides many programs that will accept some waste at no cost to the user, these Stewardship programs include: light-bulbs, e-waste, tires, batteries and scrap metal, Diabetes Canada Blue Box (clothing, linens, shoes and bedding). A landfill pass is still required for access.
Hazardous waste in not accepted at the Landfill. Residents are required to bring such items to the Hazmat Days held at the Township of Strong Landfill. Hazmat items include propane tanks, paint cans, fire extinguishers and all other flammable or toxic materials which can be hazardous to the environment when not disposed of properly.
For further information on the Tri R Landfill Site:
Landfill Administrator: Amy Tilley - 705.382.3332
Location: 141 Chetwynd Road
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