The Village of Burk’s Falls offers residents safe and clean drinking water that has been treated and tested to ensure it meets provincial standards while providing residents with excellent quality drinking water.
It is important to know that the Village of Burk’s Falls owns the Water and Waste Water system which services the Village of Burk’s Falls residents, along with a few Township of Armour residents. The system is approximately 450 connections, servicing a population of just under 1000 people.
Water/Waste Water rates are determined after careful review and consideration by Council. Rates increase incrementally to adjust for continuously increasing Provincial regulated and required testing, along with infrastructure improvements to service delivery.
Your Water and Sewer Bill
The Village of Burk’s Falls Public Works department reads meters on a bi-monthly basis without interfering with residents. This is done through the use of Smart Readers. These readers scan and register the reading electronically from a device installed on the outside of home or building. Consumption readings are then relayed to the Finance Department for billing.
Water bills are consumption based, meaning the more water being consumed the higher the rate. In order for water consumption to appear on your water bill, water needs to pass through your residential water meter, located within your home. Bills which are higher than average are due to higher than average consumption.
Running toilets, leaking faucets or garden hoses will substantially have a negative impact on your water consumption.
*For rates over 10 gallons, please see By-law No. 04-2022 in full
2022 Annual Drinking Water System Report
2023 Annual Drinking Water System Report
To register for Utility E-billing, complete the below form and submit as per instructions:
Water users are able to make payment on the water/wastewater bills in a variety of ways:
Pre-Authorized Payment Plan (see forms below)
The Village of Burk’s Falls wants to ensure all 450 residential and commercial connections have quality Water/Waste Water service. If you have a concern or complaint about the quality or quantity of water, please contact the municipal office. All complaints brought forward are recorded and those making the complaint are required to complete a confidential form.
Residents who own their home are required to contact the municipal office and advise of the intended closing date. At the same time, information as to where the final bill will be mailed to is also required. With this information residents will only be financially responsible for the portion in which is outstanding on their account.
Landlords, have the option to transfer a water/waste water account into the tenant’s name allowing the tenant to be billed directly. The Village requires tenants to place a deposit equal to three minimum billings and complete a tenant transfer agreement. In the event a tenant does not make final payment which exceeds the deposit amount, it is ultimately the property owners financial responsibly.
Humans can live several weeks – even months without food, but can survive only a few days without water. Every system in our body uses water. Drinking water and other liquids provides about half the water our bodies need, the other half comes from the water embedded in the food we eat. The water we drink, wash with or spray on our lawns and gardens has been here since the Earth was formed billions of years ago. The water in your morning coffee or your lunchtime apple could contain the molecules from the swamp water a dinosaur lapped up in the Jurassic Period.
By reducing our water use and practicing pollution prevention, we help the water cycle do its job and protect a life-sustaining resource.
Visit the link below to learn more on how you can conserve water.
Household Guide to Conserving Water
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